Christian Slater comes off about as menacing as a puppy dog in this film. Sure, he has the occasional moment where he does something horrible enough to draw a reaction. But that's the scripts doing. Slater's acting chops hadn't quite developed enough to play this sort of psychotic character. He's much better in Heathers in that type of role. He comes off more as an annoying little brat that occasionally kills people.
The script really isn't helping poor Christian out either. His character is so inconsistent. He goes from murdering a house maid to just playing pranks (the chemistry prank is kinda extreme, but it was unlikely to kill anyone) for the next hour and 10 minutes. At one point I wondered if he had even murdered the maid and it was all a red herring. That probably would have been a better movie. But nope! As a result the only suspense in the movie is wondering when he's gonna stop being an annoying pest and actually kill someone.
Twisted spends far too much time messing around and not really accomplishing much. They honestly could have gotten to the climax within a half hour and not much would have been missed. You probably could have added more after that and made a more interesting film. I can't recommend this to anyone except Christian Slater diehards. Even then I'm tempted to just say "Stick with Heathers!"
Body Count:3
Side Note: The cover artwork clearly depicts a much older Slater than in the film. Kinda weird.
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